I can only take pity on Malala. She is paying the price of the
predatory-always-scoop-looking hounding habits of the media through her life.
We, the media persons treat our interviewees as guinea pigs on the lab table,
left alone to brace the horrible consequences once the 'scoop' is made. It is the
‘go to hell’ approach in the simplest terms. Trust me, the so called
'responsible media’ is no alien to this practice. And I am not a conspiracy
theories monger.
The other side of the story is even more horrible with far
reaching fall outs which can last for generations. It is the pitiable and
deplorable attitude of the policy makers who use these ‘glimmers of hope’ – if
they really are, eventually – as a smoke screen to hide their square inability
to respond to the challenges and keep playing the time passing games. And, you
know how to pass time? With a pastime!
Interesting reading.